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The Peace of Mind Program for Business Owners and their Families
I am a Registered Estate Practitioner who helps business owners to complete their Family Estate Plan so that they can have peace of mind in knowing that they will ultimately be leaving their family with a legacy. 

Chances are you will never wake up one day and find yourself saying "I have absolutely nothing to do today. I think I will start on getting my Will done, review my life and health insurance coverage so I can get clear on what I have and how it works and then I think I will organize all of my records into a directory with a one page summary so that all of this is in order for my family."

Everyone knows they should have a Family Estate Plan however most people don't know where to start. This is where I come in. Through years of experience we have developed a system that makes creating a Family Estate Plan simple, easy and efficient.
The approach we use is to provide you with "Project Management" in order to get this project off of your "To Do" list and on to your "Done" list. You delegate the "Project Management" role to us and we report back to you with results. 

The outcome we want our clients to experience is pride, peace of mind and a further appreciation of their family and their life experience. 

Through serving business owners and their family's, my primary objective is to make their lives better as a result of providing my services to them.  

If you choose to use my services, following are the types of benefits you can expect to receive: 

A History of Serving
Business Owners Like You

I always wanted to be a business owner. I was fortunate to learn at a young age that success as a business owner is directly linked to providing a product or service that people need and providing it in a better and more cost effective manner.


For over 30 years I have applied the philosophy of Kaizen or CANI to my business efforts - change for the better in order to continuously improve.


The result being a fined tuned system to make sure that each of our clients and their family's have coverage sprecific to their requirements, in case of suffering a serious illness or injury, and at passing in order to eliminate any loan and lease obligations, eliminate estate tax and to provide for family members.


Along with my team, through The Peace of Mind Programs we have created for our over 500 business owner clients in Alberta and British Columbia, we have assisted our clients to collectivly be protected with over $2 billion of health and life insurance coverage to benefit themselves and their families.


I will save you money on your health and life insurance rates


  • I will show you how to save up to 40% a year on your rates.

  • If your insurance company has lowered its rates for new policyholders but hasn’t lowered them for you, a very common occurrence, I will help you to get those lower rates.

  • If you have been overpaying I will also work to get you a refund of your overpayment. The largest refund I have obtained for a client is $119,000 (yes, you read that correctly).


I will show you how to transfer money out of your company tax free


  • Set up correctly, your health and life insurance coverage can be used to transfer money out of your company tax free. However, you may not be fully realizing this benefit if your insurance advisor does not have the necessary expertise.

  • I am one of the few qualified advisors who does have the expertise to work with you and your accounting advisor to show you how to structure your health and life insurance coverage to realize the significant tax advantages available to you.



I will correct errors that could be catastrophic to you and your family


  • When I first do a health and life insurance review for a new business owner client, one thing I routinely come across are outdated beneficiary designations. The most common being former spouses and business partners. You wouldn’t want the wrong person receiving your insurance proceeds, would you?


You deserve better


  • I am here to help. You may never have the extra time on your hands to get around to figuring out exactly what health and life insurance coverage you have, determining if coverage or rate changes are going to be taking place as well as organizing and summarize your coverage yourself.

  • I can take care of all these details for you. The end result being your peace of mind that you have everything easily understood, up to date and your records organized along with an easy to follow one page Master Summary.


If you would like to arrange an introductory meeting to see if I am the right advisor for you, just take a minute to click here to book a brief introductory meeting or you can text or call me directly on my cell at (403) 540-4644. I would welcome the opportunity to help you.


George Goulet, TEP, FLMI, CHS


United Advisors

Creator of The Peace of Mind Program for Business Owners and Their Families


You Deserve Better - I Will Deliver It™
I am here to help. Just send me an email if you have a question.
We have many clients who have provided references about the significant results and high level of service that we have provided for them.  Our client references include:
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